
New here? Learn all about Intermittent Fasting for weight loss and health!

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This was started back in 2007 as a way to help get the word out about the benefits of intermittent fasting.

As someone who has been skipping breakfast most my life, I felt something needed to be said instead of the mainstream advice of eating all day long (for weight loss).

Through my years as a personal trainer I also learned about other health benefits.

Intermittent fasting first and foremost is a “tool” to use in your lifestyle. There are many ways to go about it.

The most important factor is finding what is sustainable for you in your lifestyle. Giving you back the control you need.

The IF in the name also stands for intensity fitness (getting the most bang for your buck) and the instant freedom from fad diets and workouts.

I’m not here to be some guru, but rather inform you on what is going on and how it all works.

I hope you enjoy this free resource and take back control of your health and well being.


science based
take control
health and longevity
take back control
Be free and happy
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