Little F’n Victories

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Little F’n Intro

Okay… what’s with the F’n word? Well it serves 2 purposes.
First off it kind of gives a kick in the butt.
Second it helps to remind to not be so serious. Enjoy your life. Smile. Laugh<
It can mean any Flip’n, Frigg’n or Fabulous…’n (?) word you want it to be.

Make it your own. Have fun.

You Become What You Do

Are you ready for the big secret of successful people?

Here it is!

They know what they want

They take focused actions towards that goal

They repeat and have patience

Make your check or money order for $49.99 to………

But really, that is the main lesson being said in most every “motivational” or “success” book/video there is.

Simple? Yes. Easy? Never said that.

What it does take is a person to define and focus on what is really important, continual practice of taking steps and patience.

“Where your focus goes….your energy flows” (some zen guy}.

So this book is here to help you focus on one small thing at a time. Which in turn will help reprogram your own brain and create a new “reality” for you.

A winning reality.

Take Back F’n Control

Control what you can ad Let go of the rest.

Stoic philosophy

It’s all how you react

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it

Create your own version of reality (perception)

Let success find you, don’t chase it. Success is what you become.

Work on yourself

Only You vs You (mentally)

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

– Marcus Aurelius

It’s never too late

Change your story and you change your life!

All Your F’n Choice

Make every day a choice.

Take ownership of your life

Start over any time you feel like it.

Time to let go of the past/fears/anxiety and focus on what you can control

Only a victim to your own mind (placebo vs nocebo)

Life is how we react to it. Reality is perception.

Only you can control your own thoughts and change your story. No one else.

Take responsibility for your own mind, thoughts and emotions.

No one left to blame

Not a victim.

Turn off the f’n news. Get off endless internet/social media scrolling.

Stop giving away the power of your own mind and thoughts.

Say No to things you don’t want.

Act not react

Nothing is lacking but your focus on what matters.

Wake up and see the reality. No one left to blame but yourself. 100% personal responsibility for your mindset.

“Do or Do Not…..There Is No Try” ~ Yoda

Retrain Your F’n Brain

You wire your brain based on what you focus on daily.

You need to focus on important stuff.

You become what you focus on.

Nuke the rest (distractions).

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to continue growing and evolving in response to life experiences. Plasticity is the capacity to be shaped, molded, or altered; neuroplasticity, then, is the ability for the brain to adapt or change over time, by creating new neurons and building new networks.

Historically, scientists believed that the brain stopped growing after childhood. But current research shows that the brain is able to continue growing and changing throughout the lifespan, refining its architecture or shifting functions to different regions of the brain.

The importance of neuroplasticity can’t be overstated: It means that it is possible to change dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaving and to develop new mindsets, new memories, new skills, and new abilities.

Source: Psychology Today

Your brain reacts to your programming (subconscious or conscious)

Winning often cahnges your mood/personality over time

Brain learns when resting, like a muscle grows outside a gym

Repition is the key to creating more efficient neural pathways and habits

New habits are new programs

Get rid of the viruses already downloaded

You become what you think. Thoughts drive emotions. Emotions drive actions. Actions make your life.

Dopamine detox. Reset. Get hits from what matters to you not reacting to other people’s goals

Master skills that matter!

Work on yourself. Be better.

Stuff goes here about reward and motivation


Multi-tasking is a myth. An illusion of the ego.

It’s rapid single tasking.

Gives the illusion of doing more things. Dopamine hit. When you are just doing many things poorly.

Industries cater to the idea of multitasking (or rapid single tasking). Dopamine hits to creat sn addict.

Lost Art of Single Tasking

Only way to master anything is to practice it.

What I do is get a small pad of paper and write down 1 thing (or use notecards).

Forget the long to do lists.

Write down one thing. Do it. Toss out the paper. Enjoy your victory.

The brain can only focus on one thing at a time. It just switches that focus around.

Say you pointed a flashlight in a dark room on one spot. You would see it pretty clearly.

Now take that flashlight and move it all around quickly. Do you really get much accomplished in seeing what is in the room?

Our ego loves to think it’s being productive with more stuff, but it’s really just being more distracted.

Laser F’n Focus

Now here comes the most important part, knowing what you really want to accomplish.

Most people never really get past this step.

What small step can you take to get you in that direction?

Now master the act of taking that step and enjoying the feeling of going forward.

Don’t focus on a finish line you need to get to as quickly as possible.

Focus on taking the action as success, not the outcome.

Do things that in a year or two from now you are happy you did.

Clear vision. Vision board. Write it down. Look at it daily.

Repetition Is F’n Key

Create new neural pathways

Create a better mood

Your cells react to your environment

Make success easy

Praxtice makes perfect

Which do you think works better?

A basketball player shooting balls for 10 min every day, or only doing it once a month for 5 hours?

Stephen King writes every day.

Brain learns during the breaks

Retrain your subconscuious and focus. Positive affirmations

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks, but I do fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. -Bruce Lee

Pick A F’n Challenge

Choose only a couple to master at one time.

Make Your F’n Bed

This is the most common one we hear out there.

Win the morning and win the day!

If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.

Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made—that you made—and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”

~Admiral McRaven (Author of Make Your Bed)

Marcus Aerelius said control what you can, let go of what you can not.

Everyone can control their mornings as the day hasn’t begun to send distractions your way.

Get off Your F’n Butt

Go for a walk. Ride a bike. Do some jumping jacks.

Starting is the hardest part.

It’s actually healthies to do smaller bursts of movement a day vs sitting down all day and doing one longer workout.

Make it a lifestyle.

Do F’n Nothing

Sit still. Let your mind wander.

Little Acts of F’n Kindness

We’re aall on this rock shooting through space together. So might as well be nice to each other.

Make the world a better place one little act at a time.

Read One F’n Page

in a favorite book. Or maybe a website you enjoy (hint hint….I have other pages too).

Do something you can focus on without any other distractions

Learn something new. Read something motivating.

Forget the news and all the other noise and angertainment out there.

Take control of where your focus is daily. Don’t give that power away to someone else to control.

Make Your Own F’n Challenge

What is it you want to improve on (health, relationships, business, etc).

now find the most important task for that goal, break it down to one small action and master it!

When I was in sales long ago I didn’t like making sales calls on the phone.

But that was the job. So I would make a sales call and not worry about the outcome…only the action of doing it.

Afterwards I relaxed and felt good.

Pretty soon I was able to make sales calls without hesistation (or fear of failure…which was the real underlying issue).

Redefine success as accomplishing a small act no matter the outcome. Redefine failure as the lack of action. Embrace the victories or little actions (that add up)!

The key being of course findint the most important task needed for what you want to accomplish and then mastering that little action (and not making it too big to overwhelm you).

Maybe that is writing one page daily of a book you want to write. Or reading one page to become better at reading.

The chhoice is yours! Do something (or not….but there is no one left to blame anymore).

Little F’n Victories Add Up

You are the sum of the steps you take

When you succeed in reaching a milestone, sometimes enjoy that; other times (at random), just keep going. Even better, associate “winning” with the effort process itself. That’s the holy grail of dopamine management for success.

It won’t make you dull or unhappy; it will make everything easier and more pleasurable, without the peaks and valleys of dopamine that external-reward-driven people experience, and you’ll obtain all the external rewards anyway.”

~ Andrew Huberman, Ph.D. (Neuroscientist)

Enjoy the journey

No one runs a marathon all at once.

Redefine success as taking action

One brick at a time

Don’t Break the F’n Chain

Seinfeld had a saying

Be accountable

Little f’n vistories become BIG f’n victories over time.


Q: Should I do something?
A: Yes

Wrap Up

stuff goes here with bullet points underneath

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